
"My City of the future" - Stories from FEDORA's openschooling network #4

"After we talked about the many possible futures, something started happening in my mind. It's hard to say what exactly, I'm not sure what it was. A weird feeling of inspiration and motivation..." (From the learning diary of a participant, My city of the future 2023) As mentioned in the previous post, at the beginning […]

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FEDORA's final event: Engaging with the RRI Community and Policymakers

The EU-Project FEDORA, a three-year research project on the interdisciplinary and future-thinking approaches to teaching and learning science, is proud to announce its final event to be held on May 25-26. The event will take place in Brussels at the Lithuanian Innovation Liaison Office. It will feature two main activities: engaging the project results with […]

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Resources for Inclusive Science Education Published

As part of FEDORA Project, resources for secondary teachers and students have been produced by Professor Sibel Erduran of University of Oxford, UK and Dr Olga Ioannidou of University College Dublin, Ireland. The resource pack aims to support lessons about timely and pressing issues related to science and society such as climate change. There are […]

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Dreaming more sustainable ways to fly

A recent master thesis project, designed by Alessandro Catania whithin FEDORA's open schooling network, challenged students' imagination at the Baracca Institute of Forlì (Italy). The aeronautic high school, managed by Maura Bernabei, is attended by students who come from all over Italy with dreams of becoming pilots or aircraft engineers. The interdisciplinary activity, at the […]

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“Quantum Atelier” - Stories from FEDORA’s Open schooling network #3

“Quantum atelier” is an art-science laboratorial activity designed by the Bologna open schooling network and implemented at “A. Einstein” high school in Rimini (Italy). As mentioned in the previous post, at the beginning of its journey FEDORA established three open schooling networks in three specific locations: Bologna, Oxford and Helsinki. Since then, researchers, teachers, communicators, […]

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FEDORA's Final Event in Brussels, 25-26 May 2023

After 3 years of researching, sharing and experimenting creatively together with teachers, schools and academics, the FEDORA project wants to celebrate and reflect on its achievements, and the path walked together. On May  25, the project partners will meet to reflect on the last stage of the project. Following this session, we will run a […]

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"Physics of clouds" - Stories from FEDORA's open schooling network #1

FEDORA's first round of activities implementations is concluded! In the next paragrafs you will discover about “Physics of clouds”, one of the innovative teaching activities created within the FEDORA open schooling project. More posts like this will follow, and each of those will tell you about an activity and the results or hypotheses that came […]

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What is interdisciplinarity and why is it so relevant to science education? Listen to the 2nd podcast of the series "Lenses for tomorrow"

"Lenses for tomorrow" is our podcast, exploring  FEDORA's three main topics: interdisciplinarity, creativity -new languages- and future thinking. Our interviewees on this occasion are Raminta Pucetaite from the Kaunas University of Technology and Shulamit Kapon, a Technion University of Technology professor from Israel. Together, they share their views about the role of disciplines, how boundaries […]

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FEDORA, Future-oriented Science Education to enhance Responsibility and Engagement in the society of acceleration and uncertainty, is a 3-year EU-funded project. It started in September 2020 and will deploy its activities until August 2023. It gathers 6 partner institutions from 5 European countries.
FEDORA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no. 872841
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