Our Future-oriented science education manifesto is out!

By  Andrea Troncoso, formicablu, Italy
6 September 2022

‘Let’s explore the future, it is unknown and exciting’  - quote from a workshop in Breda, NL.

We are delighted to share our Manifesto for Future-oriented Science Education! In this 7-page document, you will find 10 recommendations to set the tone and foster future-oriented discussions and spaces, especially in your classroom. You will also get familiar with the context that explains why FEDORA has been busy thinking, reflecting and researching what can make education in science more in tune with the future.

Future-oriented science education manifesto PDF

Futures-oriented science education manifesto _ Printable version

We recognise a significant overlap exists between futures thinking skills and scientific competencies, such as problem-solving and critical and creative thinking. However, extending the scientific competencies with additional skills related to futures thinking, like time perspective, agency beliefs, openness to alternatives, systems perception, and concern for others, will further enrich science education and prepare students for tomorrow. This is our take on this and we extend the invitation to open spaces for dialogue about these topics. Watch our animations that will further support these conversations: Teach the future!

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FEDORA, Future-oriented Science Education to enhance Responsibility and Engagement in the society of acceleration and uncertainty, is a 3-year EU-funded project. It started in September 2020 and will deploy its activities until August 2023. It gathers 6 partner institutions from 5 European countries.
FEDORA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no. 872841
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